Reading Programs

CGES:  Reading Recovery Pilot School

          Catalunan Grande Elementary School was chosen as one of the pilot schools in the Division of Davao City.  The program caters pupils who have undergone quality pre-school school education but cannot cope with the competencies expected in their level.  The program has contributed to the significant improvement of the pupils' reading performance in the school year 2010-2011.

Parent-Assisted Reading and Writing Instructions

A number of parents of Catalunan Grande Elementary School have volunteered to conduct daily tutorial to identified Grade One pupils who have difficulty in reading and writing.  The identification of qualified pupils under this program was based on the result of the eigth Synchronized  

CGES  DEAR Program
Grade 3 pupils
The grade 3 and grade 5 pupils during our DEAR (Drop Everything And Read) program.  CGES is practicing the nationwide DEAR program every Wednesday from 10:30-11:00 a.m.  They drop whatever they are working on, pick up their favorite book and read.  After reading, they will fill up their reading log which will be checked by the adviser.

Grade 5 pupils